Parent Letter

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Dear Parent/Legal Guardian,

[School Name] will be using a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum called Strong Kids. Strong Kids is a program designed to build resiliency skills by teaching students how to handle typical life stressors and difficult, but common, social situations in a positive manner. The curriculum will be taught by ___________________ in place of ________________ . The curriculum will entail in-class discussions, activities, and assignments as well as occasional homework tasks. We will begin the curriculum on __________ and it will continue for approximately 12 weeks.

Resiliency skills are the skills that students use every day to overcome minor problems in their environment. Some of the skills covered in the resiliency program will be:

  • Problem-solving
  • Positive-thinking
  • Goal-setting
  • Empathy
  • Anger-management
  • Identifying and understanding emotions
  • Perspective taking

Our school is committed to ensuring that all students get through their school years not only with strong academic skills but also with the skills necessary to foster resiliency and prevent social, emotional, and behavioral problems that can impact success in various areas of a student’s life.

We would like to have your consent so that your son/daughter may participate. Please sign the attached form and return it to ________________________ by _________________________.

You can elect to decline your student’s participation at this time. This will not result in any negative consequences for your child or for your relationship with the school. Students not participating in the Strong Kids curriculum will ________________________________ while the curriculum is taught.

If you have any questions about this program or wish to review the program materials, please contact:
